Thank you for joining the member’s area.
The member’s area was designed for personal profiles to be created. This will allow you to securely save your personal information including shipping address and payment information. While logged in, this will speed up your check out process when registering for an event!
Profile: Under this tab you can add a little something about yourself. Other members will be able to see this information.
My Orders: This tab will show your order history including tracking numbers for packets so you can track shipments.
My Addresses: Securely save your address here so it will auto fill when registering for an event
My Wallet: Securely save your preferred payment methods here so it will auto fill registering for an event.
My Account: View and edit your personal information here. In the display name box you can enter the name you want other members to see on your profile.
Settings: Under settings you can set your notification options. Important note: All notifications are turned off by default except the blog subscription notification. We use a blog services to update our event results. If you do not which to be notified when updated are made to our results page please be sure to unsubscribe to this subscription option.
Notifications: All notifications will be saved here even if you have your email notification set to off in your settings. Every time you login into the member’s area you can get all your notifications and activity here.
- Run for it MartyI am a Run for it Marty participant